Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Job Transition: A Bittersweet Symphony

Every end may be a beginning, but when you are in the end part it still feels odd.

Today is my last day of work at my current association.  I am lucky enough to have found a new opportunity for professional growth at another association, and have worked over the past three weeks to tie up loose ends, and set things in place where hopefully everything will be smooth in the transition to finding a new Director.  I leave behind colleagues that have become friends, a solid plan for the year to come, and hopefully new avenues for growth that did not exist before I was here.  I could not picture a more positive departure....

...but it still feels weird.

There is something that gnaws at you that you have laid out great plans and potential, but will not be present to execute and evaluate.  As much as you can try to transition all responsibilities, leaving behind a strong team is still a feeling of loss.  You become an outsider to the insiders. 

Of course, there will be a new team and new projects.  From what you leave behind, someone will step in and take up the mantle of continued growth and improvement.  In between those two moments - of leaving and starting - there is this moment of bittersweet finality.  Reflecting on what you were able to do, what obstacles you could not overcome and the legacy you leave behind.

I know many blog posts ask provocative questions, give a top # list of things to implement or consider, or describe upcoming trends.  Though this post does none of those, I wanted to capture this feeling of in-between since, in truth, how many of these days do we have in our life? 

Tomorrow will bring a new start - new mentors and partners, new strategy and possibility, new community and commitment.

For today, I will simply be open to feeling the loss of my team and the end of my efforts here.  I will take my name plate down, turn off the light in my office, and, as I leave, look back one more time at what was another great stage in my professional life.

Here's to a wonderful new year and new beginnings, and to the endings that have brought us here today.


  1. You will do great Lowell! There is always a sense of uneasiness when leaving somewhere wither for good or bad reasons. Looking forward to reading more about it as you get going.

  2. I'm sure that your feelings about leaving are greatly appreciated by the coworkers you're leaving behind. You have such a positive outlook but a sadness about leaving and I know they feel the same way about you - sad to see you leave but excited for all the possibilities ahead of you. This is how it should be when taking a step into the next chapter of your life and it's refreshing to see.

    I feel like I'm just repeating what you already so eloquently said. Anyway... Good luck with the new year and the new job! :D

  3. Thanks Mandy and Nikki - 2012 will be a great year, and though transition is not easy, I am grateful the change is a positive one :-)

    Happy New Year to all!

  4. Good to hear from you Mark - going to be the Director of Membership & Councils for the International Facility Management Association
